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Mr. Bbosa Butegerese– ECD Specialist (2 photos) Yiga Andrew- Early Childhood Education and Development specialist. (8 photos)
Early Childhood education and Development books (3 photos) early childhood education and development books. learning area 2 (1 photo) KELIZ ALPHABETS (1 photo) KELIZ COLOUR SLABS (1 photo) KELIZ NUMBERS. (1 photo) readers on animals and nature in uganda (1 photo) SERA AND SENA (2 photos) All tags Any tag
CHRISTMASS GREETINGS FROM KeLiZ UP-COMING WITH KELIZ PUBLISHERS The political Miracles and Deffects of Dr. John Pombe Magufuli, the bulldozer SUCCESSFUL WISHES TO PLE CANDIDATES 2024 GRAPHICS AND DESIGN. PRIMARY FIVE REVISION PRIMARY FOUR REVISION PRIMARY THREE REVISION PRIMARY TWO REVISION PRIMARY ONE REVISION MIDDLE CLASS REVISION KELIZ PLAY MATERIALS. POEMS AND RHYMES BOOKS FOR READERS KELIZ LEARNING aids PRIMARY SEVEN SOCIAL STUDIES REVISION PAPERS. PRIMARY SEVEN SOCIAL STUDIES REVISION PAPERS. / Primary Seven EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION BOOKS(ECE/ ECD) EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION BOOKS(ECE/ ECD) / Learning Framework for teaching children between 3-4 years of age. KINDERGARTEN DAILY REPORT SCHEME OF WORK TEMPLATES SCHEME OF WORK TEMPLATES / Primary schools in uganda Secondary school books Secondary school books / Entrepreneurship Education for new Curriculum Secondary school books / Entrepreneurship Education for new Curriculum / Senior One Secondary school books / Entrepreneurship Education for new Curriculum / Senior Two Secondary school books / Entrepreneurship Education for new Curriculum / Senior Three Secondary school books / Entrepreneurship Education for new Curriculum / Senior Four Search in sub-albums